Monday, July 26, 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010

Best Cousins

I stole this picture from Uncle Jon... but arent me and Renzo super cute!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Busy, busy!

These days I am busy being active.. and talking.. I love to talk. Daddys trying to get me to crawl today... but Im not getting very far yet!!

Grandma Idy spoils me...

But I love to go to her house and relax in the jacuzzi, or sleep in KD's bouncer!

It's fun being me...

Just look at the funny faces that I make!!

My name..

I was named after my Great Grandma, Emma Hernandez, and my middle name Fae is my Grandma Betty's middle name too!

Visiting friends and family...

I love visiting with friends and family. Here I am with daddy when we went to Auntie Anitas house for Dinner for Fathers day

My first bath...

As you can see.. I love bathtime!!


2 months old and getting so big!! I am now 11 lbs and 22 1/2 inches.
I am starting my Nike Collection.. just like dads...So far I have some onesies, a sleep outfit, shoes and booties! I need to go shopping at the Nike outlet soon!

Daddy's Girl

The shirt says it all... I love my Daddy!!

Sleeping, Eating, Burping...

At first all I did was eat, sleep and burp.. but Mostly I just slept. We finally got to go home just in time to see the Lakers play in the Conference Finals against Phoenix... Of course they won the first game!! Then it was on to win the NBA Championship game against the Celtics.. Lakers!!!

My first Photo Shoot!

When I was in the Hospital, a nice girl came and took pictures of me!
My Aunties Sabrina and Laura were there visiting me and helped me pose for these pictures.. The little Lamb was a present from Aunt Laura and Uncle Andy...
Now Sabrina's new job is taking pictures of newborns just like me at the Hospital.. I am so proud of her!!!!

My Birthday!!

My Mommy and Daddy were expecting me to Arrive on May 9th, 2010, which happened to be Mother's day... But I decided to take my time coming out and did not want my birthday to be too close to Mothers day.. I want my own special day! So after 24 hours at St. Jude Hospital in Fullerton, I arrived May 14th at 7:55pm.

I was 6 lbs 5oz, and was 18 1/2 inches.

Mommy and daddy expected me to be ALOT bigger, so they didn't bring me the right size clothes, but I love my Nike outfits.. They are just like daddys!!